HELP!! US Citizen needing to get a working visa or a business visa, either/or for multiple entries.
I'm a US citizen. i've been in and out of China with L (tourist), F (business), visas for the past four years. i don't have a bachelor's degree or any working experience information. and for the past four years, i didn't know anything about the system, so i've been finding visa companies that accept fees to get visas done for me. i am employed now with a chinese company and i'm stuck with a problem with me needing these certificates, such as the employment proof and college degree. i'm tired of having to go through the visa company that i did my visas with every year with a massive fee and hassles. what options do i have to get a working visa with my company in China. i'm afraid of being blacklisted in china or some sort.... oh and my category of the work i do is the film industry.