The original letter verified by china consulate in usa
Thanks Mr.Ryan ,,,As I explained ,From 2004 to 2007 I was completed the Int'l overseas TCM course in HeiLongJiang, Harbin china for 3 years, and also I passed the NCCAOM Acupuncture exam in 2010, so now
I am going to apply the state Acupuncutre License of Hawaii state board.
But Hawaii state board requires the following documents in case of foreign school, one that was licensed, approved or accredited by the appropriate foreign goverment agency at the time of the applicant's graduation and whose curriculum is approved by the board.
Thus I would like to know what type of school document's should I prepare and apply for receiviing the above original letter from china consulate if possible.
Please let me know the necessary procedure .
Looking forward for your sincere reply.