Dear Mr. Jeffy,
My namde is Jude O. I have been to china several times in recent past but I had to stop due to financial incapacitaion. Now, I am financially Ok but my travel agency told me that i cannot get genuine invitation letter by myself as there are lots of fake which is usually rejected at the embassy. Each invitation letter costs more than $300 which I am not ready to. lose.
Please advise me by email how to get a genuine invitation letter. Another important point is that each time a Nigerian wants to travel to china, the other times he had travelled does not count and it is only so in China embassy. In other parts of the world, Once you are able to travel for the first time (which is usually difficult to obtain visa) you will be able to travel in subsequent times. Please advice why this is so?
Thank you.
Jude O.
<span class="clspost">yahoo.co.uk|jude_savanto</span>