Hi all, I will be leaving for Shanghai mid of next week and well, I'll be traveling along for about 5 days before my friend joins me.
I will be staying at Shanghai New Harbour Service Apartments.
I have a few questions:
1) Is it advisable to walk from my hotel to The Bund? Haha. I'm trying to avoid taking public transport
2) Where can I find cheap and good shopping (with great bargains) ala Bangkok style for clothes/bags/shoes for uhm, a 20 year old female like me? (:
3) Any good restaurants to recommend for xiao long baos?
4) What should I do during those 5 days while I'm there? I was initially thinking of exploring the places of interest and all that. Any other recommendations?
5) Is it possible to walk from my hotel to Nanjing Lu, Hua Hai etc? Or do I have to take a cab?
I love traveling alone but it's my first time in China and I would really want to indulge in the experience (: