Answered by Mr.thamer sultan
May. 30, 2009 15:29
i realy dont know sorry but i will find out and tell you sorry once again trust me i wil find it and i will put it here soo i can see it and get the ways im a teacher and ur a student didnt the teacher tell u they should do it and if she didnt u will ofcurse will have a text book and find the information from there dont say u dont have a text book because all the schools has one....and i will give you an advice your report is the inportant thing in the life if u dont have a good one then ur life will be nothing u cant goo to work and iff u went to work they wil not give u the good salry like confusius i dont know if u studied about him but his life was bad because his pernts did have money and they didnt work so confusius worked more then his pernts and then he got rich and famous like 80% of the world know him hee has a brain and used it.. i wish u learned something from my advices... and which grade are you... i wish u will get big and get a good grade and then u work in the best place with the best salaries and be same as confusius. thx:P