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Page 99 of 120
Is this a good season to visit the wall? It is cold but also there are fewe...
Jan. 11, 2010 04:30 - Rita
how may bricks are on the great wall of china. my class is studing about ch...
Jan. 09, 2010 23:00 - froggy from USA
who was the first one to make through the whole wall?
Jan. 09, 2010 22:49 - wonder
how much does it cost to visit
Jan. 09, 2010 21:46 - Great from usa 4 life
Can I fly kites on great wall? I will go there in this spring.
Jan. 07, 2010 08:43 - Tasha from India
does any1 know if an intruder got past the wall?
Jan. 07, 2010 08:28 - wonder
How did intruders from ancient china get through the great wall?
Jan. 07, 2010 00:19 - Athlete from USA
How many passes are there on Great Wall?
Jan. 06, 2010 21:47 - John
how long does it take to travel da hole great wall
Jan. 06, 2010 21:46 - gomez from USA
how many years they taken to build the great wall of china
Jan. 06, 2010 21:44 - Srihari Gajulapalli from India
Salam alikum China how many parts of G.wall were still able to hike or vi...
Jan. 06, 2010 20:50 - Hassan from Pakistan
how long did it take to build the wall?
Jan. 06, 2010 20:34 - wonder
hi i want to know why Ming emperor need Great wall? is this only a singl...
Jan. 05, 2010 20:51 - hassan from Pakistan
the great wall of china is one of the most interresteing artifacts in the w...
Jan. 05, 2010 20:33 - daae from rassia
Hi, I want to visit the wall at Mutianyu, but not sure if the road is acces...
Jan. 05, 2010 20:29 - Zee from USA
how can i go at great wall of china.... do you have a free ...
Jan. 05, 2010 20:15 - mulatmata from Philippines
why did they make the wall so long?
Jan. 04, 2010 19:53 - iol from USA
what is the proper matiral to use for a model of the great wall? (besides p...
Jan. 04, 2010 19:52 - shannon from USA
I will short trip to beijing on 7 to 10 jan.with free and easy.How i can ge...
Jan. 04, 2010 03:33 - azmi from malaysia
What souvenir is the best to buy when I visit Badaling Great Wall?
Jan. 03, 2010 18:59 - Louis
Hi, what the Chinese name of Great Wall?
Dec. 30, 2009 21:57 - Started
Hi, can I buy alpenstock on the wall?
Dec. 30, 2009 21:54 - Ruby
Recently acquired an old walking stick with Chinese stamps burned into the ...
Dec. 30, 2009 21:49 - Bob from USA
Hello there, I'm a cameraman and ready to take a group of photos for Great ...
Dec. 30, 2009 21:05 - Cameraman from Brazil
hei all I am travelling to Beijing very soon, and the plane will land at a...
Dec. 30, 2009 20:49 - Than from UK
Hi, how long would it take to travel from Beijing to the following sections...
Dec. 29, 2009 04:55 - Kwan from Singapore
Hi, does anyone know how many beacon towers on the wall? and what the use o...
Dec. 28, 2009 20:12 - Hannah
Hi, can I buy food on the wall cos I don't like my bag becomes a heavy burd...
Dec. 28, 2009 19:00 - Bill Chan from USA
How many miles from Badaling to Juyongguan?
Dec. 27, 2009 22:02 - Marcia
Yu say building materials were scarce. Have any bits of the wall been stol...
Dec. 27, 2009 15:09 - Wayne King from Ire
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