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  • 6/8/2009 7:41:37 PM
    Jun. 08, 2009 19:41 - Recently they revised the calculations of the length of the wall. What are ... 127191
  • 6/8/2009 10:46:18 AM
    Jun. 08, 2009 10:46 - parts of the great wall were built then? 112840
  • 6/6/2009 4:35:39 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 04:35 - I would like to see the Great Wall between flights as I'm leaving China. Is... 126963
  • 6/6/2009 3:37:28 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 03:37 - did the great wall of china meet its potential and keep out invaders, like ... 126996
  • 6/6/2009 3:34:04 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 03:34 - how did the chinese defend the great wall? 126995
  • 6/6/2009 3:32:34 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 03:32 - Hi, I am doing the great wall of china for a project. Any ideas or facts ab... 126997
  • 6/6/2009 3:29:47 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 03:29 - how wide is the great wall of china 126964
  • 6/6/2009 3:20:13 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 03:20 - for what they built it 126928
  • 6/6/2009 3:19:20 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 03:19 - when did they started to build the great wall of china? 126829
  • 6/6/2009 3:17:36 AM
    Jun. 06, 2009 03:17 - how was the social/human economic at the time it was being built? 126799
  • 6/3/2009 10:15:15 PM
    Jun. 03, 2009 22:15 - what can I see now of the Great Wall 123888
  • 6/3/2009 10:13:01 PM
    Jun. 03, 2009 22:13 - Who build the Great Wall? Can you speak more? 123890
  • 6/3/2009 3:04:01 PM
    Jun. 03, 2009 15:04 - How much is it to go see the Great Wall of China? 123593
  • 6/3/2009 4:16:39 AM
    Jun. 03, 2009 04:16 - how many years it took to built the Great wall of China? 123715
  • 6/3/2009 4:12:36 AM
    Jun. 03, 2009 04:12 - Well this is a great article and yes since i am doing a project on the Grea... 123766
  • 6/2/2009 8:20:33 PM
    Jun. 02, 2009 20:20 - how tall is the great wall 123778
  • 6/2/2009 7:41:52 PM
    Jun. 02, 2009 19:41 - Who actually built the wall? 123680
  • 6/2/2009 4:43:38 AM
    Jun. 02, 2009 04:43 - One minor error in this otherwise very good article: The Wohushan Great Wal... 105002
  • 6/2/2009 2:39:34 AM
    Jun. 02, 2009 02:39 - How did the people of ancient China feel about the Great Wall Being Built? 123541
  • 6/2/2009 2:32:02 AM
    Jun. 02, 2009 02:32 - Who was in charge of building Great Wall in Ming dynasty? 123666
  • 6/2/2009 1:51:55 AM
    Jun. 02, 2009 01:51 - 5 of us will be visiting Beijing in coming late August. I know there are 3... 123063
  • 5/30/2009 8:32:42 PM
    May. 30, 2009 20:32 - Is there any baby trolley for rent at Great Wall? 123344
  • 5/30/2009 8:05:36 PM
    May. 30, 2009 20:05 - how many km is the wall 123187
  • 5/30/2009 8:01:41 PM
    May. 30, 2009 20:01 - When did they started to built it? ... 123070
  • 5/30/2009 7:59:30 PM
    May. 30, 2009 19:59 - how many people walk the wall a day?????? 123284
  • 5/28/2009 2:52:04 AM
    May. 28, 2009 02:52 - why did Qin Shihuang bared the persons that did the great wall of china? 121003
  • 5/27/2009 1:29:15 AM
    May. 27, 2009 01:29 - Where exactly does it start? And can you walk the complete distance now? Wo... 122948
  • 5/27/2009 1:24:05 AM
    May. 27, 2009 01:24 - hi i would apprciate it if you could put a timeline of when the great wall... 122954
  • 5/27/2009 1:19:50 AM
    May. 27, 2009 01:19 - What is the famous statement about traveling Great Wall? I don't remenber i... 122860
  • 5/26/2009 5:58:43 AM
    May. 26, 2009 05:58 - what was the great wall of chana made out of????? 121176
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