Asked by lost in zodiaz signs from Malaysia | Jul. 09, 2014 11:48
About:Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

horse and ox?

I'm a female horse and in 2009, I've fallen in love with a male ox, 6 years my juniour. He's my second love and the feelings are still strong although we were never together. Once a tarot reader said that we were a mismatch. My first love was a sheep and the love lasted 8 years. Although I felt we were compatible at that time (both in getting along and zodiac), I disagree with the way he treated me and created a utter mess in my life. If I met another partner whom I don't love but zodiac compatible, shall I trust zodiac signs or go with the one I love but zodiac incompatible?

Answers (1)
Answered by Messie from Argentina | Jul. 10, 2014 02:56
Well, ox and horse are incompatible because they are not in the same tune. If I were you, I would choose someone I loved. The zodiac sign is just for your reference. Your past experience also proved that compatible zodiac sign sometimes didn't work too.
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