Asked by Mr.Casey from USA | Apr. 18, 2009 11:32
About:Shanghai Travel

I've been asked to give a talk at a Shanghai university (not being paid - it's sort of a good-will exchange between my university and this one). As it was relatively last minute I had to buy the ticket myself, with the understanding that they would reimburse me when I got there. I just found out that I'm going to be paid in CYN, which is a bit worrisome as I've read that you can only exchange currency back to dollars if you have a receipt that you exchanged the dollars to CYN to begin with. Is that true?

Looking forward to visiting Shanghai!

Answers (1)
Answered by Ms.Snow from China | May. 05, 2009 01:57
Hi Casey,
Don't worry! According to my knowledge, there is not a requirement for such a receipt when you exchange CNY to us dollars. You can hold your passport, visa and other valid identifications and go to a Chinese bank, which has the foreign exchange business. Good luck :-)
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